
Date: Thursday, 25 April 2024
Time: 1PM - 2PM
Duration: 1
Join Emily Cullen & Eoin Devereux of UL's Creative Writing team for a special free event with guest poet & renowned activist, Sarah Clancy

What is the value of poetry in a world that feels like it is burning? Where does art and activism meet, and can poetry really make a difference? These are some of the questions Meskell UL Poet in Residence, Emily Cullen will explore on this year’s national Poetry Day in a special hour-long event that will take place online and is open to everyone. Joining Emily and poet Eoin Devereux, from the MA in Creative Writing programme, will be guest poet for the occasion, renowned activist, Sarah Clancy. This lunchtime virtual event will take place on Zoom and will include short readings by all three poets and also offer some practical advice around integrating the political into the lyric space. Tickets are free and all are welcome but advance registration on Eventbrite is essential.

This event is sponsored by the MA in Creative Writing programme and the School of English, Irish, and Communication at the 51±¾É«


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Meeting ID: 851 4594 2410

Passcode: 631850

Contact Us

Email: eic@ul.ie ,
Phone: +353 61 202218,
Postal Address: School of English, Irish, and Communication, ER3019, 51±¾É«, Ireland