What is Anthology Ally?
Anthology Ally is a content accessibility service that guides instructors on how to improve the accessibility of their course content and alter future behavior. Anthology Ally also automatically checks for accessibility issues and generates alternative accessible formats.
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Ally reports have the potential to bring up information about a wide array of issues, depending on the type of item (Word document, image file, html file, etc.).
In many cases, when you click on individual items to get detailed information you will see an annotated image, pointing out the issue, what it means, and how to fix it. However, this is not always the case.
In particular Ally does not have full guidance on all of the issues it can find within html files.
The information in this resource aims to bridge any gaps between an Ally report and your full understanding of an issue.
The PDF Available for download at the link below deals with files of particular types:
- Word documents
- PDFs
- PowerPoint presentations
- Image files
- HTML file
If you can’t see Ally in your menu bar, go to:
Admin (top right)>Course Admin> Navigation & Themes
Change to the navbar with Ally pilot in it.
If you still can't see it, there should be a drop-down at the top of the course navbar page; you select and apply there.
Still not working – please log a call on .