Course builder navigation
(A) Toolbox
You can add modules, placeholders, and objects to the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree from three areas within the toolbox:
Build Outline
Add Content
Browse Tools
Build Outline provides you with module and placeholder elements that you can add to your鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree to create your鈥痗ourse鈥痮utline.
Add Content provides you with a selection of objects you can create and add to the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree or drag onto placeholders in the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree. Direct access to object types within鈥疌ourse鈥疊uilder鈥痚nables you to bypass the complexity of setting up objects in their individual tool areas. You can create and add the following objects to the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree:
HTML files
Discussion topics
Learning objectives
Existing learning objects from Brightspace Learning Repository
Browse Tools displays a library of pre-existing objects in your鈥痗ourse鈥痶ools. From Browse Tools, you can locate and add these pre-existing objects to the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree or drag them onto placeholders in the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree. This section of the toolbox features a drill-down menu with breadcrumb links that appear at the top of the toolbox as you navigate deeper into the menu. You can click on breadcrumb links to return to a previous section.
(B) Course Tree
The鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree is a visual representation of your鈥痗ourse鈥痵tructure. It displays the hierarchy of your鈥痗ourse鈥痗ontent as a series of nested nodes. The鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree simplifies the process of rearranging, copying, and deleting your鈥痗ourse鈥痵tructure.
Each structure in the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree is called a node. Node is a general term that represents a module, placeholder, or object.
Each non-module node in the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree includes an icon indicating its type. This can help you to see what's in your鈥痗ourse鈥痑t a glance.
(C) Selected Node Panel
When you select a node in the鈥痗ourse鈥痶ree, the selected node panel displays its details and enables you to perform actions on that node. From the selected node panel you can:
View general properties for an object
Edit placeholder properties to change the display name or add planning notes
Edit object properties
Launch an object's associated system tool
Perform node-related actions