
Yes, you can download assignments in bulk as was previously done in Sulis. In the Assignments dashboard, when you display the submissions for a given assignment you will see a download icon such as this:  

There you can choose the student/s to download which will generate a zipped folder, which you can unzip and add new documents to for feedback. When you have provided all feedback, you can zip the folder back up again and upload the zipped folder to the feedback files area.  The student will see the feedback as an extra attachment to their assignment (if you added a word doc to the folder for example). 


  • If you annotated the submission and saved/rezipped and uploaded it as feedback files it doesn’t work. Save the document with feedback with a different name.  

  • At the moment, the downloaded folders for each student are named with an arbitrary number followed by First Name/Surname and the date of the submission – we are trying to get this changed so the student name comes first, followed by ID, group name and file name.   

  • If you have allowed students to upload submissions multiple times and keep all submissions, when you go to download, it will download all submissions, there is currently no way to only download the most recent submissions.