
What to Expect

This article is intended for UL staff who are moving modules to UL's new VLE in the Spring Semester 2022/2023. 

Congratulations on becoming an early adopter on Brightspace - you are among the first to access our new VLE at UL! There is a dedicated crossfunctional project team in place and we will be here to help you along the way.

Please see more information below on your next steps, plus the training and supports available to you. 


Video: one-minute summary 


Follow our advice to get yourself up to speed and ready to go on Brightspace. 

See below for 5 steps to get your module ready for the Spring Semester. 

  • ITD have now created Brightspace accounts for all Phase 2 participants. If you are confirmed to participate in Phase 2 and you cannot access Brightspace, please with ITD.
  • When you log into Brightspace, you will have access to a sandbox and Brightspace 101 training course
    • Your sandbox is a private test space that you can use to test and try the new VLE. 
Brightspace training and support summar with Brughtspace 101 in blue, sandbox in red, Live training in yellow and Knowledge base in purple

We have prepared a programme of online and in-person training to help you get started:

1. Brightspace 101 is a self-paced introductory training course on Brightspace, available once you log into the new VLE. We encourage you to look through this before taking live training and it will remain available to you as a reference point.

2. Use your sandbox. The training is a starting point only and we advise everyone to use their sandbox and browse resources in advance of building your module.

3.  Live training sessions, with options on campus or on Microsoft Teams.
Session 1: Introduction to Brightspace
Session 2: Communicating with Students and Getting your Course Ready
Session 3: Assessment and Grading

Find more info  on training and book your place .

Note: Information for students will be provided in the Spring semester. 

4. We have a Brightspace Knowledge Base . This is still under development - it contains many useful resources and is being added to all the time. Tip: See our FAQ.

 5. CTL are offering custom to coincide with the VLE migration in January if you wish to take this opportunity to consider some curriculum redesign. 


Top Tip

Brightspace offers a lot of functionality, but like any new system it will take a little while to get used to. Plan to spend some extra time exploring and getting comfortable with the new VLE before you build your module(s).

Screenshot of content menu showing a sample master course Content layout for Brightspace Phase 2

Master Course/Template

  • Your Brightspace module site will be created using a suggested template layout (called a 'master course', in Brightspace terminology!). 
  • This is a suggested format from UL educational technology staff we are providing as a starting point, and you may amend this as you please.
  • The master course includes a suggested Module Overview, a unit for each Week 1-12, a Student Feedback unit and some Useful Pages that you may reuse, copy or delete. 
  • will cover how to add and edit content in Brightspace. 
  • If you wish, content can be migrated to Brightspace from your Sulis module. 

    Please note, this is an automated process and not all content transfers perfectly.  Resource files, assignments, announcements & forums all transfer fairly well from Sulis, but Lessons and Quizzes will require more post-transfer work. 

  • Alternatively, you can create your module content directly in Brightspace (you can import files from your computer/OneDrive and this will be covered in training). 

  • Note: an   for Manual Migration of Moodle Module Content from Moodle into Brightspace is available for staff moving from Moodle to Brightspace. 

If you have opted for content transfer: 

  1. Your faculty learning technologists will have been in touch to check if you wish to have your Sulis module content moved to Brightspace.

  2. ITD are contacting Phase 2 participants directly in December to check that you wish to move your content and will liaise with you directly about content transfer. 

  3. There are some recommendations here for preparing your Sulis content ahead of the move. ITD will also help to format migrated content in a standard format. 

  4. Once ITD move your content to Brightspace, it is placed in a holding area for your review. Please note that some post-transfer work is to be expected and you should check all components carefully.  

  5. Once you are happy with your content, you may export all or some of the migrated content to your Spring module. Please see instructions here on copying content from one module to another. ITD can assist you in exporting the transferred content back to your module site. 

    Please consult with your faculty learning technologist if you need further advice on completing this step. 

  6. Please complete a final check of your imported content and add any new content. See step 5 below for tips on building out your Brightspace module. 


Top Tip

We advise everyone to review your module content and delete any old files from Sulis/Moodle before the transfer, so you are importing relevant content only - this housekeeping will give you the best starting point on the new VLE. 

  • Do avail of training and familiarise yourself with the new system in December/early January so you are familiar with the system before building out your module(s).
  • Drop-in sessions are available via Microsoft Teams on a variety of dates in December and January, where you may bring your questions to an educational technologist. See the  for dates, times and login details. 
  • Review our Top Ten Steps for getting started on Brightspace.
  • Use this handy module checklist to ensure your module is ready to go. 
  • Last but not least, make sure your module is active so it is published and visible to students. 

Top Tip

We advise everyone to keep it simple for this first iteration: you may add extended functionality as you become more familiar with the new system and all the tools it has to offer. Advanced training sessions will be offered in 2023 to help you make the most of our new VLE.

Thanks again for joining us at this early stage. This is an exciting opportunity for you to be one of the first innovators in the move to the new VLE at UL. By making the move now, you have the peace of mind of already knowing your way around Brightspace when others are moving over next September. 

We are interested in your feedback on the new system too. This will help us shape the rollout for the wider campus community and assist us in enhancing the staff and student experience on the VLE for the future. We will be in contact throughout Phase 2 to hear about your initial experience.