
Track the time spent viewing content

Due to multiple browser configurations and use cases, tracking the time spent viewing content in Brightspace is a best estimate. For example, the following can contribute to inaccurate time tracking:

  • running an aggressive ad-blocker
  • opening content in another browser tab
  • downloading the content/viewing it locally
  • or losing an internet connection while viewing content in a browser

Tracking the time spent viewing content is useful as a diagnostic tool for an instructor to start a conversation with a learner; however, D2L does not recommend using it as an assessment tool. Consider the following example as a best practice for using time tracking as a diagnostic tool: A learner asks for help with a certain piece of content, and the instructor notices that the learner only viewed the content for 30 seconds. The instructor then advises the learner to review the content and come back with more specific questions about the parts of the content that were difficult to understand.

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