
Dr Goggin is a tutor in Anatomical skills in the School of Medicine, a role she has held since 2008.

She graduated from University College Dublin in 1990, achieving first place in Surgery. This enabled Dr Goggin to complete the 3 year surgical training rotation following her Intern year. During this time she worked in General surgery, Urology and Transplantation surgery and Orthopaedic surgery in Ireland. Dr Goggin chose to follow a career in General Practice, undertaking her vocational training in the UK. Following vocational training in 1999 she became a partner in a GP practice in London.  She has worked as a General Practitioner (GP) London and later as a GP in Tipperary. Her interests within the practice were in reproductive health and minor surgery.

Dr Goggin joined the School of Medicine in 2008, initially while also working as a GP. Her role is as Anatomical skills tutor to Year 1 and Year 2 students.  Dr Goggin was acting Lecturer in Anatomy for Clinical Therapies students in the 2012/13  academic year. She has also participated in the Year 1 Paramedic studies programme and has acted as a Problem Based Learning tutor. 

In 2011 Dr Goggin was awarded a Masters of Medical Science in Medical Education from Queen’s University, Belfast, where her thesis was based on assessment in Medical Education.

Dr Goggin was awarded a School of Medicine, Teaching Excellence award in 2015.

Professional Memberships: 

Member, Royal College of General Practitioners

Member, Irish College of General Practitioners

Member, Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Medical Council of Ireland, currently enrolled in speciality division, General Practice

Research Interests: 

Dr Goggin is interested in assessment of Anatomy within a PBL curriculum. She is currently researching the role of distractors in single best answer questions.

MB BCh BAO, National University of Ireland (UCD) 1990

DObs, Diploma in Obstetrics, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (RCPI) 1995

DFFP, Diploma Faculty of Family Planning, Royal College Of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG) London, 1998

MRCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners, London 1998

MMedScience, Masters of Medical Science in Medical Education. Queen’s University, Belfast 2011


The use of fine bore silicone catheters for peripheral intravenous nutrition. M.Goggin et al. Irish Journal Medical Science, Vol. 161, No.3, Mach 1992

Lentigo Maligna- Cryotherapy vs. Surgery. 

Collins P. Rodgers S. Goggin M. et al. Clin 

Exp. Dermatology, Nov 1991, 16 (6): 433-5

Poster Presentations 

The use of fine bore silicone catheters for peripheral intravenous nutrition- a randomized study. Irish Society of Gastroenterology, Dublin Dec 1991.

Laparoscopic Vagotomy. 
Royal Academy of Medicine, Dublin, Dec 1991

Surgical treatment of echinococcal liver cysts. 
Royal Academy of Medicine, Dublin, Dec 1991.

Surgical options in the management of Crohns Colitis. 
Irish society of Gastroenterology, Galway, June 1992.

Ileo-colic Crohns disease- Surgery is safe and effective. 
Irish Society of Gastroenterology, Galway, June 1992.

Ileo-colic Crohns Disease. 
Sir Peter Freyer Meeting, Sept 1992.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy- A low morbidity procedure. 
Irish Society of Gastroenterology, June 1992.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy- A review. Sir Peter Freyer meeting, Sept 1992

Medical students’ attitudes to non-graded examination feedback in a Problem Based Learning curriculum.  
INMED, Dublin, Feb 2012.

Anatomage: a worthwhile resource for self-directed learning in the medical school setting?
Joint Anatomical Society and BACA meeting   July 2016, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK.

Periampullary diverticulum is associated with choledocholithiasis and reduced cannulation rates at ERCP- Retrospective review of 881 consecutive cases, 2008-2018. Anatomical society meeting, July 2018, Oxford, UK.