Title: “Participatory Health Research - reflections from a community partner”
The HRI welcomes Professor Anne MacFarlane, Professor of Primary Healthcare Research, School of Medicine, 51ɫ & Ms Anna Papyan, Research Assistant, PART-IM (Participatory and Arts based methods for Involving Migrants)
Professor Anne MacFarlane is a social scientist. She is Chair of Primary Healthcare Research in the School of Medicine. She is founder and academic lead for the Public and Patient Involvement Research Unit (PPI-RU). The unit was designated a WHO Collaborating Centre for Migrant’s Involvement in Health Research in 2019.
Anna Papyan is a sociologist, and also has experience in community based projects and initiatives. She works as Community Development Worker at Shannon Family Resource Centre, which is a community partner organisation of the PPI-RU. Anna was involved in a few research projects as a community partner. She is also a Research Assistant in the PPI Ignite Network project at UL.
Please email hri@ul.ie for the link to this event