
Date: Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Time: 11am - 12pm

The HRI Hub is hosting a workshop on the 9th of November, 11 am to 12 pm on Microsoft Teams for PhD students to practice their progression review presentations. This webinar will be facilitated by the HRI PG/PD Hub Committee and the presentations will receive peer feedback as well as feedback from Dr. Katie Robinson, a Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy.

We envision four mock PhD progression review presentations, with three to five minutes of feedback per presentation.

If you would like to present your PhD progression review presentation, please send an email to: HRIHUB@ul.ie, by the 7th of November (6 pm). Please include the following:

  • Your name
  • Year of PhD
  • Department/Faculty
  • Title of your PhD
  • One-Two Sentences of your general topic

If you would not like to present your PhD progression review or are a first year PhD student or Post-Doctoral student, attendance may still be beneficial to yourself and those presenting as the feedback may apply to your own presentation or future presentations, as well you will learn about ongoing research within the HRI.


We hope you can attend.

Many Thanks,

The HRI PG/PD Hub Committee