1.15 Networking lunch
2pm Welcome and stroke research Public and Patient Involvement in stroke panel presentation- Mr. Mike Butler and Dr. Jim Bradley, UL
2.10 Young stroke cohort study- Dr. Hong Ying, UHL
2.20 The design and delivery of an intervention to improve cognitive outcomes in people with stroke, Dr. Mairead O’Donoghue, St James’ Hospital Dublin
2.30 Review of enteral feeding practices for adult inpatients post-stroke at UHL, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, UHL
2.40 UHL Nursing- clinical research presentation
2.50 Q & A/ Discussion
3.05 Coffee
3.20 Progressing coordinated aphasia psychological care in Ireland: a participatory implementation science approach informed by normalisation process theory- Dr. Molly Manning, UL
3.40 Early Supported Discharge in stroke at UHL- Eva Murphy and Patricia Pond, UHL
3.50 Physical activity and stroke prevention- Dr. Sara Hayes, UL
4.00 Scoping review of NIHSS training- Dr. Ahmed Gabr, UHL
4.10 A qualitative evidence synthesis exploring people after stroke, family members, carers and healthcare professionals' experiences of early supported discharge after stroke- Elaine O’ Connor, UL
4.20 Q & A/ Discussion
To register, email Justyna for more information.