
Friday, 31 March 2023

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) is pleased to announce its funding call for the academic year 2023/24. Fee waivers from individual schools and departments, as well as faculty-level fee waivers, are on offer.


Fee waivers are open to new and current research postgraduate students, unless otherwise stated. Current students must be in good academic standing (i.e. they must have passed their most recent progression panel).

Prospective PhD students are particularly encouraged to apply, and need not have completed an application for acceptance onto an AHSS research postgraduate programme before doing so (check the PostGraduate section for information on the application process). However, they are advised to make contact with a prospective supervisor prior to submitting an application for a scholarship or fee waiver. A list of AHSS faculty research interests and areas of expertise can be found also on the Research page. If awarded a scholarship or fee waiver, new applicants will be required formally to register for an AHSS PhD programme by 1st September 2023.

All awardees are required to submit an application for the Irish Research Council (IRC) postgraduate scholarship scheme to the faculty review process in the year of their award. For this reason, the AHSS funding application form is modelled on the IRC application form. If a student is ineligible for IRC funding in the year of their award, they may pursue alternative similar funding and devise with the Assistant Dean Research (ADR) Dr Christina Morin an appropriate review process.

Current and prospective students on taught postgraduate programmes are ineligible for this funding call. These students should contact ahsspg@ul.ie for information on available funding.

Current and prospective students housed in the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (IWAMD) are also ineligible and should apply to the IWAMD's internal funding scheme, details of which can be foundon IWAMD Postgraduate page.

Fee Waiver Application Process

Applicants should submit the following materials to Claire Moroney (claire.moroney@ul.ieby 5pm on Monday, 24th April 2023:

  • Completed application form, which is available to access on the Research page needs to be completed. Please be sure to specify your 'home' School or Department at the start of the attached application form, even if there are no School or Department-specific awards on offer.
  • One academic reference (from someone other than the supervisor/prospective supervisor)

Further information about available scholarships, eligibility criteria and application requirements can be viewed on the Faculty page.

Informal queries about the Scholarship and Fee Waiver application process may be directed to Claire Moroney, Research Administrator (claire.moroney@ul.ie) or to Dr Christina Morin, Assistant Dean Research, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (ahssadr@ul.ie).