
Date: Thursday, 23 November 2017 - Friday, 24 November 2017

The Popular Music and Popular Culture Research Cluster @UL are delighted to be working with the Football Collective to bring their Annual Conference to the 51±¾É« on Thursday and Friday 23rd ā€“ 24 November 2017. 

ā€œFootball, Politics and Popular Cultureā€ will bring together interdisciplinary football researchers, academics and students to share research findings, interests, stories, and methods, in order to develop better research and collaboration across the Collective. The conference organisers particularly welcome papers that address (but are not limited to) football and the following:

  • Migration

  • Racism

  • Islamophobia/anti-Muslim racism

  • Ethno-national formation

  • Conflict (Ethno-national, Ideological, Sectarian etc.)

  • Sectarianism

  • Identities

  • Class politics

  • Gender and Sexualities

  • Fan culture

  • Political songs / chants

  • Its representation in popular culture (including film and literature)

Please submit a Word document containing your paper title, a 250 word abstract, and author information including full name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a 50-word bio to footballconference2017@ul.ie by 6 September 2017. Panel proposals should include a 150 word overview and 250 word individual abstracts (plus author information listed above). We also welcome proposals for workshops, film screenings, performances etc. We particularly encourage submissions from PhD scholars and early career researchers. Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent by 15 September 2017.