
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Seeking Expressions of Interest to join the UL APEX (Academic and Professional Empowerment Network) Advisory Committee The Career Development Group a Working Group of the Athena SWAN Steering Committee is setting up an All Staff Network. We are seeking representatives from all categories of staff, to become members of the UL Apex (Academic and Professional Empowerment Network) Advisory Committee.

The role of the Advisory Committee will be to:

  • Establish the UL APEX Network
  • Agree terms of reference for the Network
  • Build a diverse cross institutional membership
  • Agree a calendar of events that caters for all
  • Plan and organise events
  • Evaluate impact of event

This network aims to be inclusive of all staff academic, professional, administrative, research, technical and support roles at all levels and ALL GENDERS

If interested please contact any of the following Steering Committee members setting out your particular interest in joining the committee:
