
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Impact
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Impact

#4 (SDG8)

Decent work and economic growth

#23 (SDG11)

Sustainable cities and communities

#36 (SDG16)

Peace, justice and strong institutions

#32 (SDG17)

Partnerships for the goals

Sports, Arts and Culture
Sports, Arts & Culture

since 1994, the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance has nurtured performance and academic talent in music and dance.

#50 years of the Irish Chamber Orchestra in 2020

#1st purpose-built University Concert Hall in Ireland

Training Headquarters of Muster Rugby

#1st Ireland's indoor rowing tank

Research Strengths
Research with Impact

Research Centres and Institutes: Bernal, HRI, LERO, MACSI

Hosted National Research Centres: SSPC, PMTC, Confirm, DPTC

Real World Impact in 51本色: NEXUS Innovation Centre