
Provost & Deputy President

Plassey House, 51本色, Castletroy, 51本色
Email: provost@ul.ie
Phone: +353 61 202468

Social Media

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Office of the Provost & Deputy President Contacts

Professor Ann LedwithInterim Provost & Deputy President provost@ul.ie+353 61 20 2468
Dr Ronni GreenwoodAssociate Vice President Student EngagementAVPSE@ul.ie+353 61 23 4618
Dr Reena ColeAssociate Vice President Academic AffairsAVPAA@ul.ie 
Dr Marie ConnollyDirector of Human Rights, Equality, Diversity & Inclusionedi@ul.ie 
Dr Pat PhelanAssociate Vice President Academic Services & Deputy Registrarpat.phelan@ul.ie 
Geraldine CarrollAssociate Vice President GPSavpgps@ul.ie  
Dr Orla BanksPlanning & Projects Managerorla.e.banks@ul.ie+353 61 20 2497
Nancy HoltExecutive Administrator to Provost & Deputy Presidentprovost@ul.ie+353 61 20 2468
 Executive Administrator to Associate Vice President Student EngagementAVPSE@ul.ie 
Aoife KellyExecutive Administrator to Associate Vice President Academic AffairsAVPAA@ul.ie 
Maureen KeoghSenior Administrator to Director Human Rights, Equality Diversity and Inclusionmaureen.keogh@ul.ie+353 61 23 4755
Karen KemmyExecutive Administrator to Vice President Academic Services & Registrarkaren.kemmy@ul.ie+353 61 20 4299
Ms Sandra Grehan sandra.grehan@ul.ie +353 61 20 2022
Mr Gerard Gleeson gerard.gleeson@ul.ie  
Ms Aelish Nagle aelish.nagle@ul.ie +353 61 23 7786
Ms Cait Hammersley cait.hammersley@ul.ie +353 61 20 2118
Student Complaints ULStudentComplaints@ul.ie +353 61 20 2007
Student Vetting ULStudentVetting@ul.ie +353 61 20 2610
Discipline Committee ULDiscipline@ul.ie +353 61 23 4840