
Cycle 3 Quality Reviews - 2017 to 2023

The schedule for Cycle 3 was approved by UL's Executive Committee in March 2017 and was subsequently presented for noting to UL's Governing Authority Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance Committee in April 2017.

Whilst the core quality review process characteristics remain the same for all reviews, tailored process guidelines for the various review streams are prepared in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including the units themselves.

Cycle 2 Quality Reviews - 2009 to 2017

Cycle 2 review activity focused upon individual internal UL units, both academic and support. The review process guidelines and emerging themes arising from Cycle 2 are available from the menu on the left hand side.

Quality Review Process Monitoring and Feedback  

The effectiveness of the quality review process itself was systematically monitored. The core approach involved routinely surveying (a) the quality review group (QRG) after the review had concluded and (b) the internal unit quality review team leader and head of unit after the review had concluded. Summary reports, which indicated strong stakeholder satisfaction with the review process, are available from the menu on the left hand side.