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Audio or video lectures in Content files are not playing. What do I do?
Why am I getting an error message when attempting to access a Content link?
Why is there no content in a course I am registered for?
Why can't I add a survey?
What browser is recommended in Brightspace?
I am not seeing all of my content, what do I do?
Pulse app: Is this an alternative to using Brightspace on my computer?
What are some other useful resources?
In a quiz using a question pool where questions are selected from the pool at random, if a student has the opportunity to retake the quiz, will they get the same questions as they did in the first attempt?
Will Fill-in the Blanks note a wrong answer for a mere misspelling?
In Sulis,I couldn't use a ‘fill in the missing word’ type question.It was impossible.There would need to be flexibility that the exact word did not have to be inserted,but one with similar meaning would also be acceptable.Is this possible in Brightspace?