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How can I add scientific characters / functions such as sigma, delta?
I need to option to assign a portion of marks in multiple choice questions where the correct answer is all of the above. So if the student picks one of the other options, technically they are 25% correct. How can I do this?
Is there any way of doing negative marking? How can we discourage students from guessing answers?
How do you add multiple answers in short answer to allow for variability in correct answers?
Can I apply a minimum score to progress, ie the student has to re-take if they score below 60%
Can you edit the HTML of your question text? For instance, to ital​icize genus and species names.
How do you assign a portion of marks to an answer, e.g. in multiple choice, all of the above is correct, but each of the other choices is partially correct?
How to copy a rubric from one course to another?
What characters are not permitted for filenames in Brightspace?
Are there any restrictions or character limits on filenames?
Is the manage files tool common to all modules or is it specific to one module?
Manage files: why should I use this structure?