Dr. Amy Healy (Sociology) was invited with her research colleague Professor Seán Ó Riain (Maynooth University, NUIM) to present their research on work organisation and welfare attitudes at the 30th International Conference of Europeanists entitled “Radical Europe: Violence, Emancipation and Reaction” at Sciences Po in Lyon, France from July 3rd to 5th, 2024.
Their presentation was entitled, “Workplace Regimes and Attitudes to Redistribution In Europe.” The paper uses data from the European Social Survey to construct a a range of workplace regimes related to work organisation. It then analyses the effects of these regimes on attitudes to government redistribution and poverty prevention controlling for a range of relevant, socio-demographic and attitudinal variables.
They were invited to participate in this three-panel series by Professor Bruno Palier, the Director of Research at CNRS & Sciences Po Paris, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) & Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP). The aim of the panels was to bring together EU/American scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to contribute to a collaborative publication under the broader title: “Bringing politics back to work,” exploring how work impacts politics in the 21st century. Other panellists who participated were from a broad range of academic institutions including: Universität Leipzig, European University Institute SPS, Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Birmingham, La Sapienza, Utrecht University, Humboldt-Universität, University of Lausanne, Harvard University, University of Bonn, University of Konstanz, and University of Zurich.
AHSS and the Faculty Research Committee generously supported the conference attendance and presentation.