
Cantoral at St Mary's Cathedral
Wednesday, 6 September 2023

UL welcomed members of the Early Book Society conference to UL, from July 11-15th. Over 100 speakers and delegates enjoyed several parallel paper sessions as well as plenary lectures by Prof John J. Thompson and Dr Lisa Fagin Davis. The opening sessions which took place in the Glucksman library featured a printing workshop and demonstration by 51本色 Printmakers at which delegates could print a conference memento. Other events included a civic reception at CIty Hall and a performance of medieval chant by Cantoral at St Mary's Cathedral. The event was lead-organised by Drs Carrie Griffin (EIC) and Eleanor Giraud (IWAMD).  


Email: ahss@ul.ie

Phone: +353-61-202700

Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, 51本色, 51本色, Ireland.