
scene from the play
Thursday, 30 March 2023

Last week, first-year students from the courses BEd in Languages and Applied Languages had two performances of the play Woyzeck in German with English surtitles. In the morning performance, several secondary schools from the area and beyond came to UL to watch the play. The evening performance was attended by parents, friends, students, and staff. The students did an amazing job and a special thanks goes to Lara Jacobus, our Theatre Pedagogy intern and Dominik Kohl, the DAAD German Language Assistant as well as Dr Marieke Krajenbrink and Dr Anita Barmettler for their support behind the scenes. Everyone involved made that play an unforgettable experience for the audience.

Email: ahss@ul.ie

Phone: +353-61-202700

Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, 51本色, 51本色, Ireland.