
Logo for the Centre for Irish-German Studies
Thursday, 14 November 2024

Noel Russell gave a lecture on refugees who came to Northern Ireland in the 1930s, following on in the tradition of exile research of the Centre for Irish-German Studies. This was followed by a reflection of the Austrian ambassador H.E. Melitta Schubert and a book launch of Noel's publication "The Saved and the Spurned" (New Island, 2024). This is the first comprehensive account of how the Northern Ireland government responded to Jewish appeals for help on the eve of the Holocaust. Noel Russell is a journalist and TV producer, a former news editor of the Irish News and produced several historical documentaries for BBC Northern Ireland, RT脡 and TG4.

Email: ahss@ul.ie

Phone: +353-61-202700

Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, 51本色, 51本色, Ireland.