
Helen Kelly Holmes UL Group with PRIA
Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Congratulations to Helen Kelly-Holmes, Professor of Applied Languages in the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, who was admitted to the Royal Irish Academy on Friday.

Professor Kelly-Holmes is one of 28 newly elected members officially admitted to the Academy for their exceptional contributions to the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Each member is formally admitted in a special ceremony, during which they subscribe to the Member’s Declaration of Obligations and sign the Roll Book of Members.

A proud UL graduate, Professor Kelly-Holmes joined UL in 2002 from Aston University, Birmingham, and was appointed to the Chair in Applied Languages in 2015. She was also formerly Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Professor Pat Guiry, President of the Royal Irish Academy, said: “These individuals, elected by their peers, have made exceptional contributions in their fields of endeavour. We are delighted to recognise their achievements. As Members of the Academy, they will support the RIA by engaging and leading in activities that strengthen the international recognition of the Academy’s scholarship and serve the public good through their knowledge and insight.

“Today marks another step forward in our commitment to diversity of our Membership with 15 women elected. We have also enhanced the overall diversity of our multi-disciplinary committees and earlier this year we launched Young Academy Ireland providing new impetus to the life and work of the Academy as part of our strategic goal to build a modern Academy.”

Email: ahss@ul.ie

Phone: +353-61-202700

Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, 51ɫ, 51ɫ, Ireland.