
Colbert Train Station is located in 51本色 City Centre. There is no direct bus service that connects the train station to the 51本色 however a number of bus services are available which stop nearby the station on Sexton Street. Colbert Station is less than 5 minutes walk from this bus stop. Services departing nearby Colbert Station going in the direction of UL can be found on Lower William Street, which is approximately a ten-minute walk from Colbert Train Station. See below for details of all the above plus bus maps and timetables serving UL. Taxis are also available from UL and Colbert Train Station.

Employee Public Transport Taxsaver Ticket

The purpose of this scheme is to provide cost savings for UL employees on their bus and rail tickets and to encourage the use of public transport for a greener environment.  

The 51本色 Travel Pass Scheme is a facility whereby employees can purchase bus and rail tickets through their employer and save up to 48% of travel costs through tax and PRSI benefits. For further information please click on the travel pass scheme heading on this HR webpage.

For further information on Taxsaver Tickets, please .

How to get to Colbert Station