
This  SharePoint site is a resource for UL staff who are advisors under the PASS (Personal Advisor Support System).


The 51±¾É« is committed to providing an outstanding and distinctive experience for each and every one of our students. Both empirical and anecdotal evidence points to the importance of strong personal academic supports and relationships being a key part of a positive student experience (Lawson & Lawson, 2013).

Research on student retention and engagement shows that creating a strong sense of belonging in higher education is one of the most important factors for student success (Thomas, 2012; Quinn et al., 2005). Moreover, this sense of belonging is most effectively instilled by establishing meaningful and predictable interactions between academic staff and students. Students’ engagement in mainstream activities that all students participate in is also particularly effective.

Taking advising seriously will mean significant engagement and effort from advisors and is recognised as such with an 8-hour allocation within the revised WAM (Workload Allocation Model). 

The aims of the PASS system are to:

  • Create a strong sense of belonging in higher education for all UL students
  • Establish meaningful interactions between staff and students, on an individual basis
  • Build students’ sense of identity as part of a community of successful higher education students
  • Increase students’ awareness of academic advising and of its importance
  • Provide support and promote success for all advisees (at-risk and non-risk students)
  • Provide a non-judgemental, supportive environment to help students come to specific solutions/strategies that work for them
  • Provide academic support
  • Offer some pastoral support, and refer on to other supports, where appropriate
  • Help students to discern how they can succeed on their programme of study.



Resources for Academic Advisors 

PASS Resources SharePoint site

A dedicated Sharepoint site for PASS advisors has been created and hosts information about PASS, it has resources for you as an advisor, and resources you can share with students. This site also hosts a PowerBI report which will allow you to access your list of your advisees, and filter by year, programme, ID number, and email your group of advisees or email individually.

This PASS Resources SharePoint site is available here and also accessible via the CTL webpage.

Please note that to access your advisor list using the PowerBI report you need to be connected to the UL network on campus or connected to Forticlient if off-campus.

Handbook of Academic Regulations and Procedures


Additional assistance

If you have any questions about PASS or require assistance, please feel free to contact the Centre for Transformative Learning (CTL) ctl@ul.ie

Please note that the allocation of academic advisors is done at Faculty level, updated lists are provided from Faculty Offices to Academic Registry over the summer period each year in advance of a new cohort of first-year undergraduate students.

Changes to academic staff who are academic advisors that occur outside the summer updating (e.g. due to maternity leave; sick leave; special research leave; retirement) should also be provided to Academic Registry with the details of academic advisor(s) who advisees can be reallocated to.


Email: ctl@ul.ie 
Phone: 061 234652